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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hellooooo Boob warriors!   It's been a while since I updated things.  So let's start from the beginning for those of you who just tuned in or got totally confused with my last post full of newly learned medical jargon. LOL

#1 I have breast cancer - yep no question about it... it's for sure and for real.

#2 I have two tumors in my right breast. (over achiever that I am)

#3 I have had genetics testing and it is NOT genetic.  (YAY!!)

#4 I will be heading to the hospital on Tuesday the 30th for a double mastectomy. (Yep, that means they are removing both breasts completely)

#5 I will be having reconstructive surgery the same day. (WOOHOO!!! Perky new pair!  - hey, make the best of a bad situation, right? :)  )

#6 No, they won't be "all done" when I come out. They will be slowly inflated to the size I choose over a couple of months, then we will do a quick second surgery to insert the perma-implants.

#7 Yes, I could have had the reconstruction done with "natural tissue"  (ie transplant tissue from somewhere on me. But I would like to keep the rest of me intact as much as possible at this point. If you don't agree that's cool... you can do yours that way.  I'm gonna do implants :)  )

#8 I"ll be in the hospital a day or two after the surgery. Then I come home with tubes. (YUCK!)

#9 My daughter will be updating my Facebook page while I'm zoning on some chemical relaxation for a day or so. So if you want to know what's going on after Monday night, check my Facebook.

#10 I will be doing chemo after I heal up a bit from the surgery. No way around it. So that's what we will do.

#11 Yes, my hair will fall out and I WILL post some pics as we move through this. Cause bald is sexy! :)

#12 I totally appreciate all the love and support that you all have sent me.

#13 Keep praying, sending positive thoughts, white light, love, what ever floats your boat as long as it's positive! I really appreciate it.

#14 I'll still be posting on Facebook until Tuesday when I head off to surgery & I'll try to answer you all, but please understand if I don't reply personally to you. Just know that I love y'all.

#15 I'm going to post this on my Facebook so that everyone will stop thinking that I'm trying to hide this from them.  I haven't been. It's just not my favorite topic of discussion at the moment. :)  I think you all can understand that. Right?

#16 I have had several people ask where to send cards...
 Jesi Ferguson
635 82nd street
Niagara Falls, NY 14304

***That's not a request for cards :) so please don't feel pressured to send them.   Just info for those that have asked.

I'm so lucky to have such an awesome support group! I want to let you all know that each one of you have been really instrumental in keeping me feeling positive through this so far and I love you for that.

I'm off to take care of the last minute things and then hang with the MMH for the weekend.

Think happy thoughts and tell the people close to you that you love them every chance you get!

Be good to each other while I'm gone and spread the love.

I'll talk to you as soon as I get home :)

Moonbeams & Blessings,


  1. Love you tons! Don't let anyone make you feel bad for not sharing info on their terms. It's your body and your life...whatever you're willing to share and whenever you're willing to share it IS GOOD ENOUGH and those lucky enough to know you should be thankful for so much! I'm praying for ya and happy to hear how positive you are. Can't wait to see the new tatas! :)

    1. Loves you BUNCHES, Ashley! Hug those babies for me!!! Once the tata's are presentable I will definitely post an "undercover" pic :)
